Love is like a butterfly. Tentative, cautious, and furtive yet wanting the nectar from the flowers. Love watches and waits for just the right moment to seek out the perfect catch with which to mate but in the case of the elusive butterfly, they go from flower to flower! Even butterflies look for Love!
It’s the same for all of us, we wait for the perfect mate with the hope that one day we will find our soul mate and live happily ever after. It all reads like a grand fairytale. Those of us who have been through great love know it is also enjoyable work. And this gal knows it is a grand choice! We choose to stay or go. We decide to tolerate one another’s foibles. Even small annoyances can become huge overbearing hiccups in an otherwise healthy relationship. Say your partner grinds his or her teeth when they sleep. It sounds like a small habit to overlook. But night after night hour and hour, minute after minute, it is like a ticking bomb, grind, grind, squeak, squeak, and then just one more Squeak, “STOP, STOP, STOP PLEASE I CAN’T STAND IT ANYMORE”!!!!! Your poor spouse sits straight up out of a sound sleep thinking the house is on fire! “Oh no sweetheart what’s wrong!” “What has happened? Are you all right, how are the kids (the dogs), are they okay”? Immediately you feel remorse at your pettiness…. but then in the back of your mind, you can still hear squeak, squeak, squeak. And finally, you say “YOU GRIND YOUR TEETH ALL NIGHT LONG! There I said it. I finally said it. Whew”! Just like in any love affair or relationship, it is all about communication. If not, it ends sadly with another sad breakup. Every day we get up intending to have a lovely day. Filled with new adventures, new people, and new lessons to be learned? We awaken, stretch, do our exercise, shower, shave, do hair, and make-up, and feel the tension slowly rising. During the day our blood sugar starts to dip, and around 3:00 we start thinking, oh sheesh, I am so very tired. Why am I so tired? Get a snack, then soldier on. Keep those eyes open, and hearts full of love and focus on the task at hand!!
Love comes in many Sizes! In the name of my Love, it is for two very lovable Great Danes, Irma and Betta, 145lbs and 135lbs respectively, yes, they sleep with us, yes, we sometimes fall right out of bed, yes, we just get right back into bed and YES, we wouldn’t have it any other way. Here is one of my favorite photos!
Oh yes, and nighty- night!! All we need is Love, love, love, yes it is all we need!
Love Comes in All Sizes!