
May 7, 2022
Graphic of woman and a quotes

Daddy – He never got to see this blog come to fruition. He knew it would he knew me better than anyone. He had unwavering faith in me. Even in his dementia-filled mind, my Daddy knew I would make this crazy blog idea work somehow. He would say to me “I have faith in you sweetheart I love you, you are so smart, so much smarter than me! You’ll get this”! Then on May 17, 2022, at 8:35pm my hero, my mentor, my confidant, my fixer of all things needin’ fixin’, my answer man for all hard questions in life, my dear sweet Daddy took one last big breath and with a final tear running down his cheek, he squeezed my hand and he died, just like that. Three days before he was still up and marching around the property. I weep as I write this. I will never get over this loss you see, I never thought he would go, I thought he would live forever as all heroes do, don’t they?



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